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Biopolym. Cell. 1999; 15(3):241-246.
Gene-Engineering Biotechnology
The expression of pEGFP plasmid genes in mouse hepatocyles in vivo
1Shpilevaya S. P., 1Andrienko V. I., 1Toporova H. K., 1Eliseeva G. S., 1Ajamian F., 1Zharova L. G., 1Likhacheva L. I., 1Kordium V. A.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


The expression of GFP plasmid gene was investigated in mouse hepatocytes. The transit pEGFP-Cl plasmid was used as a vector molecule which was enclosed into liposomes and was introduced into mouse liver by direct injection. The conditions were found for the correct testing of GFP protein synthesized in the cells considering the possibility of appearance of the artefact chining in alive hepalocyles. The green fluorescent GFP protein was identified in mouse hepatocytc cytoplasm in 6, 17, 24 hours up to 7 days long after the introduction of the material into the organ.


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