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Biopolym. Cell. 1999; 15(3):227-229.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
The comparative analysis of Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase activity of whole blood and its components
1Arbuzova S. B., 1Fedotova O. O., 1Solovyova V. D., 1Chugay A. V.
  1. Donetsk Interregional Center of Medical Genetics, Ministry of Health of Ukraine
    57, Artema Str, Donetsk, Ukraine, 340000


The activity of Cu, Zn-SOD was studied in donors, of extra-chronwsome 21 and in the control group. The comparative analysis revealed the significant decrease of SOD activity in whole blood and its components. The different impact of components' SOD activity on the total effect of whole blood enzyme activity M.-J detected.


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