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Biopolym. Cell. 1999; 15(2):138-142.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
The influence of microwaves of very low intensity on antiport of ions through erythrocyte membranes
1Yemets B. G.
  1. Kharkiv National University
    4, Svobody Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61077


The energy harrier for passive transporting of ions through an erythrocyte membrane is towered as a result of effects of the very low intensity microwaves. This occurs due to decreasing the thickness of a boundary unmixed liquid layer which can be passed through by the ions only by diffusion. The thickness decreasing is caused by intercellular liquid being actively intermixed; this activization is provided by decelerating motions of air bulbs present in the liquid in a temperature gradient field. The temperature gradient caused by the very low intensity microwaves is sufficient for such effects on the water layer situated close to the membrane.


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