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Biopolym. Cell. 1998; 14(2):93-98.
Regularities and mechanisms of the combined effect of hyperthermia and radiation on the tumor cells
1Zinchenko V. A.
  1. Ukrainian Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Ministry of Health of Ukraine
    33/43, Lomonosova Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03022


Data of literature connected with peculiarities of mechanism of the combined hyperthermia (HT) and radiation effect on tumor cell are reviewed. Data, testifying to the fact that because of different nature of energy absorption in cells in ionizing radiation and HT damage of different molecular targets DMA and protein, respectively, takes place, primary effect on different phases of cell cycle that plays definite role in joint use of these destructive physical factors. Regularities of physiologic reaction of cells limiting destructive HT effect on tumor cells have been examined. They are induction of proteins of heat shock and raise of thermotolerance. It has been shown that knowledge of thermobiologic principles of HT in study of structural and functional changes of tumor cells allows to increase their devitalization rate and thus to reduce the effectivity of therapy of oncologic patients.


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