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Biopolym. Cell. 1998; 14(1):68-78.
Structure and Function of Biopolymers
Theoretical modelling and experimental investigation of nonlinear dynamic precedes in ensemble of photosynlhetic reaction centers
1Abgaryan G. A., 2Goushcha A. O., 2Kapoustina M. T., 2Kharkyanen V. N.
  1. Yerevan State Medical University named after Mkhitar Heratsi, Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Armenia
    2, Koryun Str., Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, 0025
  2. Institute of Physics, NAS of Ukraine
    46, Prospect Nauki, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03028


The results of theoretical study of dynamic selforganization phenomenon in a specific macromolecular structure, the photosynthetic reaction center (RC), is presented with accounting of the stochastic effects in the RCs ensemble. The description both the photomobilised electron transfer kinetics and structure conformational transitions is based on the solution of the direct Kolmogorov equations using the Markov approach. Both the case of thermodynamically equilibrium system and nonequilibrium one were considered for the variables distribution function which describes the diffusion in the conformational coordinate space. The calculations revealed the bistable system behaviour in a certain interval of electron photomobilization rate. The modelling showed a good agreement with the results of experimental investigation of transient absorbance of the RCs from purple bacteria Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides.


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