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Biopolym. Cell. 1996; 12(6):94-101.
The influence of 6AHA and α2-antiplasmin on the fibrinolysis in normal, Pg-deficient and (Pg + α2-antiplasmin)-deficient plasmas studied by turbidimetric method
1Gutsalo A. E.
  1. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine
    9, Leontovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601


It has been shown that in normal plasma both 6AHA and α2-AP binds only with one site of Pg activated by strepokinase. At has been demonstrated however that 6 AH A (in micromotor concentrations) and α2-AP effects on the different stages of fibrinolysis: 6 AHA prevents the binding of Pg to fibrin (first stage of fibrinolysis), while α2-AP does not influence on this stage but delays the accelerated (second) stage of fibrinolysis. The mechanism of such action is discussed. At has been also stated that 6 AHA posseses no inhibitory effect on α2-AP during fibrinolysis in plasma. On the contrary to the pure system 6 AH A potentiated the inhibitory influence of α2-AP on the fibrinolysis in plasma in micromolar concentrations. When the action of 6 AH A on the Pg-deficient and (Pg + α2-AP)~deficient plasma was studied, it has been show that the dependence of clot half lysis from concentration of 6 AH A has parabolic character as opposed to normal plasma where it has linear character. The mechanism of such action is hypothesized.


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