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Biopolym. Cell. 1996; 12(5):100-105.
Sequencing analysis cDNA for C-terminus part of capsid protein for tomato TVM isolated from region with nuclear contamination
1Boyko A. L., 1Stepanujk S. A., 1Garifulin O. M.
  1. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
    64, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01033


Two identical strains of tomato type TVM have been isolated at region with Cs137 nuclear contamination with apparently 11 Cilkm2 activity and recombinant plasmids (pTVM7, pTVM7.5) with insert of cDNA provirus and cDNA for C-end specific capsid protein region correspondently from one of isolated viruses have been obtained. The capsid proteins of isolated strains has unusually higher 19±1,9 kDa molecular weight than standard TVM strain (17,5 kDa) on SDS-PAAG electrophoresis data. There have not been found differences in distribution of immunoactivity trypsin-digested protein fragments between isolated strains and control strain on immunoblot data analysis with control antiserum. Sequencing analysis of cDNApTVM7.Shaveshowedoutononeconservativeaminoacidreplacementofthreonineinsteadofserine in position 148 with comparison of that standard tomato TVM sequencing, which allow to make consideration about immunologically importance of this capsid protein region TVM. Also discussed possible mechanism of appearence and keeping such type aminoacid replacement as mediated of physiological processes in infected plant.


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