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Biopolym. Cell. 1995; 11(6):75-80.
Interrelations of the Klebsiella genera with the plant. 2. Localization of K. oxytoca and K. terriaena into the tobacco and wheat tissues
1Petak A. M., 1Kovtunovich G. L., 1Kozyrovskaya N. A., 1Turyanitsa A. I., 1Kordyum V. A.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


Bacteria K. oxytoca 13183,VN13, M5al-47, K. terrigena 80-07, tagged with the bioluminescence genes (lux) of Photobacteruim leiognathi, are able to be localized inside tissue of tobacco and wheat in both leaves and roots. There were revealed 10 fold less bacteria isolated from inner tissues as compared to bacteria isolated from the plant surface. The loss of the lux genes in bacteria developing in the plant tissue less 1 % that is considerably lower than in bacteria growing in the continuous culture. Location of JC oxytoca VN13 and K. terrigena 80-07 inside the wheat roots has been proved by electron microscopy analysis. The artificial association of Nicotiana tobacco – K. oxytoca VN13 preserved the associative interactions under transition of bacteria in a cycle leaf – seedling → leaf – seedling.


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