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Biopolym. Cell. 1995; 11(5):79-83.
Isolation and characterization of mutants of Propionibacterium shermanii of producer of vitamin B12
1Dimitrova P. N.
  1. Higher Institute of Food and Flavour Industries
    1, Maritsa Blvd. 26, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4002


N-inelhyl-N-nitro-N-nitrozoguanin effective on Propionibaclerium shermanii 128. The time define for exposition with mutagenes 30 and 60 min. Propionibacterium shermanii 1818 sinthezies to 45 mg/cm3 vitamin B12. Generation, isolation and characterization of auxotrophic mutants of Propionibacterium.


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