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Biopolym. Cell. 1995; 11(3-4):96-103.
Studding of role site plasmin for relation with lysine and arginine on early stages fibrin(ogen) hydrolysis
1Zolotareva E. N.
  1. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine
    9, Leontovycha Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601


The effect of 6-aminohexane acid (6-AHA) and L-arginine on the rates of early stages of fibrinogen hydrolysis by Lys77-plasmin, Val442-plasmin and Lys530-plasmin were studded. It was shown that 6-AHA on the second reaction stage (hydrolysis of X) in the concentrations saturating the site, of plasmin heavy chain had a strong inhibiting influence even more stronger than a the first stage (hydrolysis of fibrinogen). Effect of arginine and 6-AHA on the first stage hydrolysis was identical. Arginine effect on the second stage failed to be observed while its concentration were effecting kringle 1 and 5. It was suggested the enzyme interaction with substrate took place on the first stage of hydrolysis under kringles 5 and 1 patrkipation on second stage – under kringle 4 participation.


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