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Biopolym. Cell. 1995; 11(1):87-91.
The influence of alkylating agent MNNG on mutagenic effect of exogeneous recombinant DNA
1Lukash L. L., 1Podolskaya S. V., 1Suhorada H. M., 1Kostetskaya K. V., 1Kostetsky I. E., 1Varzanova I. S., 1Patskovsky Yu. V., 1Vavilina I. V., 1Deis S. V.
  1. Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine
    150, Akademika Zabolotnoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


The possible mutagenic activity of three recombinant plasmids pBR322ins, pAins, pGins has been investigated in this work. In three days after transfection two (pBR322ins, pAins) out of three recombinant plasmids revealed mutagenic effect in Chinese hamster cells. The mutation frequency decreased to ninth day after transfection. The mutagenic activity of recombinant plasmids presumably depends an the presence of nucleotide sequences which were coming from parental plasmids but not on insulin gene from human genome. Mutagenic activity of pAins probably was determined by the presence of Alu sequence that was recloned from plasmid pALl. The alkylating agent MNNG increased the mutagenic effect of exogeneaus DNA on 10th day after transfection.


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