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Biopolym. Cell. 1995; 11(1):70-80.
Study of genoprotective features of preparation «Flaraksin» in conditions of tetrachloromethane damage action
1Gubskiy Yu. I., 1Levitsky E. L., 1Kulick I. A., 1Goryushko A. G., 1Primak R. G., 1Sachenko L. G., 1Vistunova I. E.
  1. Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology of National Medical Academy of Science of Ukraine
    14, Eugene Pottier Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057


The presence of genoprotective features of antitumour preparation «Flaraksin» in conditions of the rat liver nuclear chromatin damage by tetrachloromethane was revealed. At least partially this effect may be conditioned by antioxidant action of the preparation. This action is expressed as a normalization of the lipoperoxidation reactions in the transcriptionally active and repressed chromatin fractions. Partial correction of chromatin structural and functional characteristics in condition of chromatin damage by tetrachloromethane is realized probably in result of flaraksin bounding to functionally different chromatin sites. The character of this bounding is various in these sites. If in active fraction interaction is caused mainly by chromatin proteins, then in repressed one – DNA. Such chromatin-flaraksin complexes do not prevent the genetic information realization, however they protect the nuclear chromatin from damage by oxigen and tetrachloromethane free radicals.


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