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Biopolym. Cell. 1994; 10(2):72-78.
Comparison characteristic of intramolecular mobility and affinity to oxygen of hemoglobins in vertebrate line
1Konoshenko S. V., 1Bayala Isso
  1. Frunze Simferopol State University
    4, Yaltinskaya, Simferopol, Ukraine, 333036


Philogenetic characteristic of intramolecular mobility of hemoglobin's electrophoretically homogeneous fractions in vertebrate line has been studied by NMR-relaxation methods. The correlation of intramolecular mobility and affinity to oxygen of hemoglobins fractions has been determined. A regular increase of hemoglobins intramolecular mobility and decrease of hemoglobins affinity to oxygen have been shown in philogenetic process.


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