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Biopolym. Cell. 1994; 10(2):38-44.
The DNA probe construction with use the silver salt. 1. The formation and characterization of the oligomer coloured chains
1Lichina M. V., 1Shugalii A. V.
  1. Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS in Chernogolovka
    Academician Semenov avenue 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russian Federation, 142432


For DNA probe contrasting is proposed a coloured coordination complex of Ag. It consist of the oligomer ethanolamino-formaldehyde chains with brutto-formula NC5H13O4 which are connected by coordination bonds with the metal ion. The numbers of ligand depend on the incubation media, the time of reaction and determine the complex colour– from violet to orange-red. It isn't excluded the branching of the single chain by atom N with the forming of the red coloured complex.


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