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Biopolym. Cell. 1994; 10(1):90-93.
Changes of the erythrocyte membrane permeability for potassium under the influence of radiation
1Krupin V. D., 1Gorbenko G. P., 1Kurilko S. A., 1Tkachenko V. N., 1Tovstyak V. V.
  1. Kharkov State University
    4, Sq. Dzerzhinsky, Kharkov, Ukraine, 310077


The effect of electrons with the energy 5 MeV on the erythrocyte membrane permeability for K+ has been investigated. Using free radical scavengers and SH-active reagents it was shown that radiation-induced release of intracellular potassium is related to the damage of protein sulfhydryl groups by hydroxyl radicals.


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