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Biopolym. Cell. 1994; 10(1):58-66 .
Glycobiological aspects of the activation of phagocytes respiratory chain
1Timoshenko A. V., 1Cherenkevich S. N.
  1. Belarusian State University
    4, Fr. Scorina Minsk ave., Belarus, 220050


The role of protein-carbohydrate interactions in the activation of phagocytes respiratory burst is discussed. It is noted that β subunit of cytochrome b–245 is the only glycosylated component of the respiratory chain of phagocytes located on the external surface of the plasma membrane. The respiratory burst of phagocytes is activated by many plant lectins and at the interaction of phagocytes with target cells via endogenous lectins. It is supposed that the activity of lectins depend on their affinity to the functionally significant glycoligands of the cell surface.


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