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Biopolym. Cell. 1994; 10(1):31-36.
The restriction analysis of thymus and spleen DNA of a rat γ-irradiated at dose 5 Gy
1Lichina M. V., 1Kostuk G. V., 1Mitrochin Yu. I., 1Shugalii A. V.
  1. Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS in Chernogolovka
    Academician Semenov avenue 1, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russian Federation, 142432


1,5–3 hours after a single γ-irradiation of a rat the common pattern of EcoRI-restriction is unchanged but the parts some restriction fragments varied. The concentration of a fragments 2300 and 1500 base pairs rises in 2–3,5 times, fragment 345 base pair declines in 5–10 times. In a thymus the variations are occured after 3 hours, in a spleen – 1,5 hours after γ-irradiation with a future tendency to normalization.


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